ESG policy

ESG Policy
Hyosung TNC, as an organization committed to social responsibility, has established internal regulations and guidelines that align with the expectations for its actions. It transparently discloses the foundational elements of its business activities through these regulations and guidelines.
In addition, continuous training is provided to ensure that internal members understand these regulations and guidelines,
enabling them to make decisions and engage in activities based on them.

Environmental management policy
Anti-Deforestation Policy
Biodiversity policy
Advertising and marketing ethics policy
Human Rights Policy
Redress Manual for Human Rights Violations

Diversity and inclusion policy
Policy to Support the Elimination of Forced Labor and Human Trafficking
Anti-Discremination and Harassment Policy
Code of ethics
Code of Ethics Practice Guidelines
Anti-corruption policy
Export Restrictions on Strategic Materials
Conflict and Responsible Minerals Policy
Supplier code of conduct
Sustainable Supply Chain Management Policy
Safety and Health Policy